The son of Manuel Viqueria, the “Piper of Vilaverde”, Manuel began playing the bagpipes in the late 1960s and over the years has acquired great skill and experience with this instrument. Although he did not make his debut performance until 1976, from then on he took part in a succession of musical events. In 1977, he founded the first children’s pipe band called “Sementes de Arte”. In 1990, together with his father and two of his brothers, he founded “Os Viqueiras de Ordes”, although today he is the only member of the family that still performs in this band. A staunch defender of his preferred instrument, he has given bagpipe lessons in practically all the parishes and villages in and around the town of Ordes. He has also recorded several albums, including “Noites da Tasca” and “Vilaverde”, in collaboration with various pipe bands.